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SweetHoney Cosplay Production

About Me

My Name is Shane, but my cosplay name is Ichiro! I'm Native American, Japanese and German lol not really a great mix but I'm happy =D Oh and I do Have a deviantart Profile and a myspace! plus I own my own website (which is coming along fine I must add and I do own a Production Group)
Name Shane Billie
Age 17
Location Orlando, FL
Ethnicity Other
Interested in Both
Status In an open relationship
Interests singing, drawing, playing the piano, the violin, the chello, and most of all the acustic
Music rock, alternative, screamo, pop, techno, other
Movies i would have to say knowing
TV the l word, and whatever else is on
Books lovless, death note, ect anime related anyways
Quotes I'm a love child, don't judge me!


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Group Member
Registered Jun 15, 2009
Last update Jun 15, 2009

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Web Skills

HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Mac OS
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